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Monday, October 31, 2011

Month 16

Dear Hannah,

 As you can see, Mommy has been busy! I can't believe its been 6 months since I posted on here! I'm so sorry baby. I promise to keep up with it. You were just 10 months then. Ohhhhhh so much has happened since then!!!! First and foremost, you took your first steps when you were 11 months old, and you walked all by yourself for the first time on your first birthday. You are trying so hard to talk now. You say Momma, Dadda, Hey Dad, Nana, Aunt Nett, Dan Dan, Hannah and Hey! You also put the phone to your ear and say HEY DAD! It's so cute. You are the smartest baby ever!! You pick things up so fast. You try to put the keys in the door and unlock it, you know what stuff is and will go get it if we ask you to, you will pick up your toys and put them in the toy boxes. You do so much that theres no way I could name it all right here. You love food! Nothing in particular really, just everything!!!! Also, you are stuck to me! You follow me everywhere I go, and if I leave the room and don't invite you, you have a hysterical fit! And the temper on you!!!!! Whooooo girl! You stomp your little feet and ball up those fists! I think your going through the terrible twos early! But you are so sweet! You will blow Grandpa kisses, and a couple weeks ago, Mimi and Grandpa taught you Uh Oh! Now you say it all the time!  You give us hugs around our necks and have such a big heart. If someone is crying, you will cry. You are such a precious baby girl. I'm enjoying every minute of you! I don't want you to grow up, but at the same time I cant wait to go through it all with you. By my side. As long as I live. I love you, baby.                             Love, Momma

Friday, April 29, 2011

Month 10

    Dear Hannah,

    This has been the best Easter that i've ever had! You are so sweet and beautiful! Momma, Nana, Mimi, and Daddy took you to the park to hunt Easter eggs with the church, and you did so great! You found a bunch of eggs but your favorite was a little yellow mini egg that you wouldn't take out of your mouth! After the egg hunt Momma, and Nana took you to meet Amie to do your Easter pictures. They turned out wonderful! You were so cooperative. You just sat there and did everything we wanted you to do. You are very photogenic! Maybe you will grow up to be a model! Your definitely pretty enough! Now that your crawling, you are into everyyyyything!! You tire me out! It is so neat to see you discovering new things, and you are so smart! You love to play horsey with Nana. You will sit on her foot waiting for her to play! And you are dancing too. All we have to say is "Hannah dance", and you will dance for us. Its so cute! You started pulling up the same day you started crawling, but now your trying to climb up on things too. You get to where you want to go and if you cant then you try and try until you get it. You are very persistent. Oh and you have 8 teeth now! You just fill up my heart little girl. Ive already started planning your first birthday. Its going to be a blast. We are going to have a pool party at Mimi's and Grandpa's and invite all of your little friends from church! I cant wait to see you dig into that cake! I love you my little one!
                                                                                                    Love, Momma

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Month 9

    When you read this, i'm sure you will be older and wiser and I hope you are liking what you see. I love you as a baby. You are just precious! I have to tell you, you have made soooo many milestones these last couple of months. First you got your first tooth, right on the bottom! You had a fever and Momma took your temperature wrong and ended up rushing you to the hospital and it ended up that you just had a low fever and I could have just given you some Tylenol! Momma overreacts sometimes! lol This past week, you went to Florida with your Mimi and Grandpa to visit your GeeGee. It was an extremely tough week without you but we got through it somehow. As soon as you got home, your Daddy rushed to the car to grab you and you screamed at him right in his face!!!! You didn't remember your Daddy at all! Broke his heart lol.
    You have now gotten a top tooth also, and another bottom one! You bit me last night and whooooo did it hurt!! You just started crawling too! You are all over the place! In the trash, biting and pulling at the poor doggies. We were so excited to have you crawling and now we are like, "What were we thinkin"! But you are growing more and more every day and you have won over everyones heart that meets you. I love you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This is Hannah on the left and RaeLynn on the right. They were giving eachother love. We thought it was so sweet and then all of a sudden right after this picture was taken, Hannah decides to reach up and try to grab her bow and scratches the little girls face! Hard!! I was like NOOO Hannah!!!!!

Month 7

Little Miss Hannah, you know how to keep a Momma and Daddy busy! And we love every minute of it! I apologize to you for skipping month 6 but I don't even think I had a moment to open the computer, much less write on it! So much has happened since I last wrote you! You still amaze us every single day! You are now sitting up on your own! This took a little while because you were so determined but would still fall either backwards or sideways but you wouldn't give up sweetie! You were going to sit up because thats what you wanted to do! And you certaintly did. Quick too. Me and your Aunt Jen Jen sat you on a blanket and when you fell over we would pick you back up and then all of a sudden you started to fall and caught yourself! Then you looked at us with a big smile like I did it!!!!! You are trying to grow up and be a big girl and do what we do, and we are so proud of you but at the same time we are like "Slow down girl!!" You are growing up too fast already. Speaking of growing, Momma is so excited about your hair! Its getting longer and longer! It's still not long enough for a bow yet without the head wrap but we are getting there for sure! And bows are another challenge! Child you will NOT let me put one in your hair! Everytime I do you just reach up and grab it right out! Your Daddy loves it!! He says "Leave her alone! She doesn't like bows!", but I just insist that you do and you just don't know it yet! You have also started drinking from a trainer sippee cup and drinking from a straw. Aunt JenJen didn't know you could drink out of a straw but you kept reaching for her cappuchino so she let you put the straw in your mouth thinking that you would just chew on it but soon as she took the straw away, you had a giant mouth full of coffee!!! We said OH NO!!!
    You are such an independent little thing, and we are always trying to hold you tight and hug on you but you will not have any of it! You want to sit up, and be grown already! You are even trying to walk before youv'e even crawled! We are working on that one, and hopefully in your 8 month letter you will hear me say you are crawling! Daddy is going soon to get all of the childproof cabinet locks because we know thats the first place you are going to go! To grab plates and tupperware from the cabinets to chew on them! I love you so much and can't wait to see what's next!!